

The Z-bench © is a product of Media Consulting International.
designer Bruun Leroy ©.

As we want to reinforce the wonderful feeling of being home at sea by means of our products, such as the orientation posts, the orientation bracelets and the orientation signs, we continuously design new products to cater to the needs and wishes of young people visiting the coast.

The Z-bench © is such an example. A Media Consulting product after a design© by one of our designers, Bruun Leroy.

This circular bench has only a 6m diameter, but seats more than thirty children and their supervisors. We asked ourselves: "What is the use of piloting children from the interior to the coast on school trips without e.g. providing these original benches, where children will eat the sandwiches they brought with them from home with a dash of sea air."

The locations where the benches will be installed near the beach will be indicated on the observation signs and can also be found through a special website so as to facilitate planning of school trips to the sea.
